padding argument for scaleBand
optional class name for the SVG element
object of classnames for certain sub elements
main color to render bars and dark dots
maximum combination scale value
combination axis label
offset of the combination name from the combination y axis. 'auto' means that it will be guessed according to the current values
the set combinations to visualize or the generation options to generate the distinct set combinations by default all set distinct intersections are computed
optional description text for the plot
render empty selection for better performance
show export buttons
specify the overall font family, set to false to use the default font family
specify font sizes for different sub elements
main color used when a selection is present
main opacity used when a selection is present
height of the chart
optional unique id of the set element. Note: if set, it is will also be used as a CSS class suffix
numeric scale to use, either constants 'linear' or 'log' or a custom factory function
main opacity
padding within the svg
list of queries as an alternative to provide a single selection
show a legend of queries enabled by default when queries are set
the selection of the plot. Can be a set like (set or set combination), an array of elements, or a function to compute the overlap to a given set
color used to highlight the selection
the sets to visualize
stroke color to render around sets or cells
style object applied to the SVG element
object for applying styles to certain sub elements
main color to render text
basic theme of the plot either 'light' or 'dark'
optional title text for the plot
whether to render tooltips aka title attributes
width of the chart
mouse click listener, triggered when the user is clicking on a set (combination)
mouse context menu listener, triggered when the user right clicks on a set (combination)
mouse hover listener, triggered when the user is over a set (combination) a combination of mouseEnter and mouseLeave
mouse move over set listener, triggered when the user is over a set (combination)
factory to create the style tag
optional function to identify the same element
the element the key for
optional function to identify the same sets
the set to generate a key for
offset of the label on top or left of a bar