UpSet.js as PowerBI Visual

Github Actions

This is a PowerBI Custom Visual for rendering UpSet.js.

This package is part of the UpSet.js ecosystem located at the main Github Monorepo.

UpSet.js Report

see also Sample GoT PBIX file or Sample PBIX file


Download the latest package from and install into your PowerBI environment.

Data Roles

The UpSet.js visual has three data roles:

In addition, the visual supports various styling options including the customization of how the set combinations are generated.


The UpSet.js visual reacts to selections from other widgets by highlighting the elements in its chart. Moreover, when the user clicks on an element in the chart, the corresponding set (combination) will be selected.

Venn Diagram

In addition, there is a sibling extension for rendering Venn and Euler Diagrams:

Venn Report

see also Sample PBIX file


Download the latest package from and install into your PowerBI environment.

Data Roles

The UpSet.js visual has two data roles:

In addition, the visual supports various styling options including the customization of whether a Venn or an Euler diagram should be generated.

Dev Environment

see also

npm i
cp src/secrets.example.json src/secrets.json
npm run pbiviz -- --install-cert

Test Server

npm start


npm run lint
npm run fix
npm run build
npm run release


  1. Create a new release
  2. Update the sample dataset with the latest version
  3. Send a mail to subject: Ultimate UpSet Plot vX.X.X content: ? attachments: the pbiviz and the sample report
  4. Wait for app package XML response
  5. Go to and upload the new XML file
  6. Check the package and Publish

Privacy Policy

UpSet.js is a client only library. The library or any of its integrations doesn’t track you or transfers your data to any server. The uploaded data in the app are stored in your browser only using IndexedDB. The Tableau extension can run in a sandbox environment prohibiting any server requests. However, as soon as you export your session within the app to an external service (e.g., your data will be transferred.

License / Terms of Service

Commercial license

If you want to use UpSet.js for a commercial application or in a commercial environment, the commercial license is the appropriate license. Contact @sgratzl for details.

Open-source license

This library is released under the GNU AGPLv3 version to be used for private and academic purposes. In case of a commercial use, please get in touch regarding a commercial license.